
Recurring Dream - School

I don't have this dream anymore - but it was prevalent from about age 20 to age 28.

The dream always went something like this -

The first thing I remember I'm already at school - always high-school. I'm standing in the hall between classes, there's students walking around all around me, but no one interacts. I immediately realize that I should be heading to a particular class, but I cannot for the life of me remember which.  In some versions of the dream, it is merely this - not knowing which room I'm supposed to be heading to.  In other versions, not only am I not aware of where I should be heading, but I also realize that I have not done any of the work I should have been doing along the way, so there's the added anxiety of feeling that I really really need to make it to class so that I can hopefully understand what is necessary for me to "catch up" on so as to avoid failing.

After the realization, the dream shifts to trying to devise ways to figure out where I should be heading, but I don't make any rational decisions about how. For instance, I could attempt to scan the crowd for a friend who might know what class I'm in, but I never do. I could go to the office and ask the office attendant to pull up my schedule, but I don't.  I check my pockets for any kind of papers or notes, but nothing.. I look around at the various doorways and hallways hoping that one of them will strike me as "familiar", but none do.

There is never a resolution to this dream. There is no abrupt end, either. It was always simply this climax of wandering about, trying to figure out where I should go on my own, and then I simply wake up along the way - at most feeling somewhat "displaced" by the feeling, but not necessarily frightened or panicked.

And then, as I mentioned earlier... at some point I just "stopped" having that particular kind of dream, until recently when it was replaced (for lack of a better term) with a different kind of dream that is similar only in the sense that I am again faced with being lost and trying to figure out where to go (covered in Recurring Dream : Hotel)

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